The Hebrew verb ישׁב (y-sh-b, yāshab, pronounced ya-SHAV, with the final letter 'bet' pronounced as a 'v') carries a wide range of meanings associated with “sitting,” “dwelling,” or “remaining,” depending upon the textual usage. ישׁב (yāshab) often takes a straightforward translation in verses that describe the act of "sitting," as in 1 Samuel 20:25: "The king sat (וישׁב) upon his seat." By expanding the temporal implications of ישׁב (yāshab), the verb takes on the function of describing "settling" or "establishing residence," as in Genesis 4:16: "Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD, and settled (וישׁב) in the land of Nod, east of Eden." It can also allow for a description of "staying" or "delaying," as in Judges 5:16: "Why did you tarry (ישׁבת) among the sheepfolds?"
Friday, February 16, 2024